McDonald’s Journey to Event-Driven Architecture
Do you need a Distributed Transaction? Maybe not!
How your “Sr.” Devs incurred Technical Debt
Design Patterns: Who gives a 💩? – 5 Event Driven Architecture Pitfalls!
Stop using trivial Guard Clauses! Try this instead
Do you want to use Kafka? Or do you need a Queue?
Just store UTC? Not so fast! Handling Time zones is complicated.
STOP Over-Engineering Software!
Data Partitioning! Don’t let growth SLOW you down!
Event Choreography for Loosely Coupled Workflow
What is Software Architecture?
Should you Soft Delete?
Where should you use gRPC? And where NOT!
The world is full of Asynchronous Workflow
Data Access Layer makes it easier to change your Database?
Shared Database between Services? Maybe!
Workflow Orchestration for Resilient Systems
Distributed Tracing to discover a Distributed BIG BALL of MUD
Fintech Mindset to Software Design
Event Carried State Transfer: Keep a local cache!
SOLID? Nope, just Coupling and Cohesion
Blocking or Non-Blocking API calls?
Avoiding Batch Jobs by a message in the FUTURE
Sidecar Pattern for Abstracting Common Concerns
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