Generating SBOM for NuGet packages
Using the binary log to find the source of a .NET dependency
NuGet Packages: security risks and best practices
Embeded languages in string values supported by Roslyn
Stop using diagnostic verbosity in MSBuild
Understanding OverloadResolutionPriority attribute in C# 13
Disabling HSTS for localhost using a browser extension
Using Mutex<T> to synchronize access to a shared resource
Waiting for a ManualResetEventSlim to be set asynchronously
Automated tests
Stop a script when an error occurs in PowerShell
Enable NuGet auditing for your .NET projects
How to output a SARIF file from a .NET project
Sharing the Renovate configuration across multiple projects
Create a multi-arch Docker image for a .NET application
How to test a Roslyn analyzer
Roslyn analyzers: How to
How to avoid conflicts when testing your dotnet templates locally
How to check if a DLL and an exe is a .NET assembly
Using type aliases to make code clearer with generics
Computing code coverage for a .NET project
Creating ico files from multiple images in .NET
Json schema validation in .NET
Convert DateTime to user's time zone with Blazor in .NET 8
Generate OpenAPI specification at build time from the code in ASP.NET Core
Showing 25 results